Optimize your Resume for every role,
Win more interviews.
Customize with recruiter-trained HR screening software & leading AI models, quickly.
Optimize your Resume for each role,
Win more interviews.
Customize with recruiter-trained HR screening software & leading AI models, quickly.
- 1. Upload Resume
- 2. Paste Job Description
- 3. Take off with the Captain!
1) Upload your Resume
2) Paste target Job Description
3) Take off with the Captain!
The Resume Revolution:
A Modern Reality
95% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS (Applicant Tracking Software).
75% of Resumes are rejected before a human ever sees them.
*360iResearch, October 2024
Your Career Deserves Better
Resume Captain is here to help you…
Get even in the modern hiring landscape,
Get seen by more human eyes,
& Get more first-round Interviews.
Recruiter-Trained Logic
Get insights from experienced recruitment professionals and hiring data built right in.
✨ AI-Powered Precision
View your Resume from the perspective of AI recruitment screeners at large firms.
🛬 Prepped for Landing
Download a ready to use Resume tailored to each position in one go.
...and with actionable feedback:
- Technical keyword strategies and suggestions.
- Personalized recommendations for each Resume section.
- Organization and formatting fixes that matter to robots.
"This was easy! So happy to have it, saves me time."
"Yea just quick and easy - thanks! I will just keep on using this... forever until I get all the jobs haha"